but there is always room for improvement, right? On the right is a picture I did recently. It's my character, Taya. I've had Taya for some time now but she isn't my oldest character. Now, Ari or Oliver, I have some old art of them. I do my digital art on a drawing tablet. The current Tablet I have is a NuVision Kickstand 11 Draw that I was fortunate enough to get for my birthday. It was about $200 dollars and I am very grateful for it. The one I had before though, I bought myself. It's a Huion H6 10 Pro and that was about $80. The difference between the two is that my NuVision is a touchscreen while my Huion isn't.
But drawing tablets aren't the only way you can draw. There are really good artists out there that use mouses or touchpads. And to them, I tip my hat. Drawing with a mouse is hard, but not impossible. Like everything else in the art world, it takes time and practice. And there are different drawing programs MS paint is free, but not the best. Fire Alpaca and Medibang paint are excellent free programs. Personally, I use Medibang paint. And these are just a few to name.
Remeber, art takes practice. I've been drawing for almost 3 years now. Start out slow, as a hobby on paper, then go and buy a tablet if you absolutely want to. You don't need top of the line brands to make art, and you need is a pencil and a piece of paper.
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