Art block. Every artist has had it at one point or another. It hasn't been proven, but I'm fairly sure even the great Michelangelo himself has had art block before. And we can all agree, it sucks. Now, there are several different types of art block. And they all suck.
1. No inspiration
Imagine, you sit down at your nice, clean desk. In front of you is a clean page that is ready for you to put your creative juices. You have finally found some free time to do some art. With a smile on your face, you glance over the page. The smile fades from your face and you slam your head against the desk. Art block has hit you, and it has hit you hard. You want nothing but to draw, but there is absolutely nothing that you can think of drawing. So instead of spending your glorious free time drawing, you spend it watching YouTube.
2. No mo' motivation
This happens when you have something in mind that you want to draw, but you don't have the motivation to do it. You are usually sitting in an unusual potion and complaining that you want to draw. It almost seams like doing art is a chore. Yeah, these are the times that nothing gets done and when you finally get back to drawing, you have to start a new page so that you don't have to see the horrid things you drew a month ago.
3.What is art?
In my opinion, this would be the worst type of art block. You know what you want to draw, you have the motivation to do it, but you just can't. Everything you create is awful and disproportionate. This can cause you to become discouraged and sometimes, you even stop drawing for awhile. (When this happens, please do not stop. You will get over it and move on. Just keep drawing.)
Now, there are several different ways that I can sometimes get over art block. Remember, these work for me and may or may not work for you.
1. Washi Tape
Washi tape is good for filling blank spaces in a sketchbook. It can stop you from seeing that blank space and thinking you have to put something there. This can also work with colored pencils or markers. It puts color there and makes it look filled. Candy wrappers and other things can be tapped into it as well. Have fun with it.
2. Draw "Sin"
No, I'm not saying to actually draw sins, but draw something random.
A guy with noodle arms, someone with pants that go all the way up to
someone's chest. Make it derpy, make it funny. And if someone where to see it, look them dead in the eyes and with the straightest face in the world, tell them that this is why you're going hell. Hence the name "Sin".
Okay, that's enough of that. I had to draw that Sin digitally because I didn't have any digital Sins, only traditional Sins.
Okay, bye.
1. No inspiration
Imagine, you sit down at your nice, clean desk. In front of you is a clean page that is ready for you to put your creative juices. You have finally found some free time to do some art. With a smile on your face, you glance over the page. The smile fades from your face and you slam your head against the desk. Art block has hit you, and it has hit you hard. You want nothing but to draw, but there is absolutely nothing that you can think of drawing. So instead of spending your glorious free time drawing, you spend it watching YouTube.
2. No mo' motivation
This happens when you have something in mind that you want to draw, but you don't have the motivation to do it. You are usually sitting in an unusual potion and complaining that you want to draw. It almost seams like doing art is a chore. Yeah, these are the times that nothing gets done and when you finally get back to drawing, you have to start a new page so that you don't have to see the horrid things you drew a month ago.
3.What is art?
In my opinion, this would be the worst type of art block. You know what you want to draw, you have the motivation to do it, but you just can't. Everything you create is awful and disproportionate. This can cause you to become discouraged and sometimes, you even stop drawing for awhile. (When this happens, please do not stop. You will get over it and move on. Just keep drawing.)
Now, there are several different ways that I can sometimes get over art block. Remember, these work for me and may or may not work for you.
1. Washi Tape
Washi tape is good for filling blank spaces in a sketchbook. It can stop you from seeing that blank space and thinking you have to put something there. This can also work with colored pencils or markers. It puts color there and makes it look filled. Candy wrappers and other things can be tapped into it as well. Have fun with it.
2. Draw "Sin"

A guy with noodle arms, someone with pants that go all the way up to
someone's chest. Make it derpy, make it funny. And if someone where to see it, look them dead in the eyes and with the straightest face in the world, tell them that this is why you're going hell. Hence the name "Sin".
Okay, that's enough of that. I had to draw that Sin digitally because I didn't have any digital Sins, only traditional Sins.
Okay, bye.
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