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Boys and girls of every age, would you like to see something strange, come with us and you will see this our town of SPOOKY TIME!!

Can you believe it?! It's almost Spooky time!! (Or Halloween for you commoners) Yes, the time for older siblings to scare their younger siblings and poisoned candy. But that's not all; candy, jack o' lanterns and dressing up. I love Halloween and I have been playing "This is Halloween" from the Nightmare Before Christmas on repeat scene October 1st. (Not really) I've had some bad experiences with Halloween, like this time I only went trick-or-treating for 30 minutes because my brother had to use the bathroom and my dad didn't take us back out. But this year, I am not going trick-or-treating. Yeah, apparently "I'm too old" for it and instead I've been invited to go watch "The Ring" at my friends how. But it sucks because it's a School Night and being the spry youngin I am, I'm not able to spend the night. I mean, nobody else is, but it would be fun. The party ends at 10 pm but my parents are still hesitant to let me go. So if they don't let me go, I have to either throw together a costume and go trick-or-treating with my little brother or stay home, and that's no fun. So I hope I'm able to go and be with my friends. Not to mention, I'm feeling a bit under the weather and I don't really want to go out in the cold of the night. 
So what are you doing this Halloween? Are you going out and causing mischief, are you going trick-or-treating,or are you handing out candy? Regardless, I hope you have fun. And watch out for bad candy, don't knock on a door that doesn't have it's lights on, and never, ever, enter a stranger's house or car. Stay safe and have fun.


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